There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind , She
hated everyone , except her loving boyfriend , He was always
there for her , She told her boyfriend , ( If I could only see
the world , I will marry you )
hated everyone , except her loving boyfriend , He was always
there for her , She told her boyfriend , ( If I could only see
the world , I will marry you )
كان هناك بنت فاقدة البصر ، كَرهتْ نفسها لأنها كَانتْ عمياءَ ، وكرهت كُلّ شخص في الدنيا ، ماعدا خليلِها المحبِّ ، وهو الذي كَانَ دائماً بقربها .
أخبرتْ الفتاة خليلَها : فقط إذا تمكنت أَنْ أَرى العالم ، فسَأَتزوّجُك
One day , someone donated a pair of eyes to her , When the bandages came off , she was able to see everything , including her
في أحد الأيام تبرع شخص ما بزوج من العيونِ إليها ، وعندما تم إزالة الضمادات ، أصبحت الفتاة قادرة على رُؤية كُلّ شيءِ ، بما في ذلك حبيبها ..!!!
He asked her : (Now that you can see the world , will you marry me ?)
The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind too , The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her , She hadn't expected that , The thought of looking at them the rest of her life , led her to refuse to marry him.
سَألَها : (الآن بما أَنْ بإمكانك أن تَشاهدي العالمَ ، هَلْ ستَتزوّجُينني) ؟ ' نَظرتْ البنتُ إ لى خليلِها وكانت مفاجأة لها أنه كَانَ أعمى ، وجفونِه المُغلقةِ صَدمتْها ، وهي التي ما كَانت لتتوقع ذلك ، وفكرت بأنها ستقضي بقية حياتها إلى جواره ؟؟؟ مما دفعها لرفْض الزَواج به.
Her boyfriend left in tears , Days later wrote a note to her saying :
( Take good care of your eyes , my dear , for before they were yours , they were mine )
تَركَها باكياً وبَعْدَ أيام كَتبَ إليها مُلاحظة : ( رجاءً إعتني كثيراً بعينيِكَ يا حبيبتي ، فقد كانتا عيناي من قبل )
This is how the human brain often works , when our status changes ,
Only a very few remember what life was like before , and who was always by their side in the most painful situations .
Only a very few remember what life was like before , and who was always by their side in the most painful situations .
هكذا دماغ الإنسان يَعْملُ في أغلب الأحيان ، عندما تَتغيّرُ منزلتنا ، فقط القليل جداً يَتذكّرُ ما كانت حياتنا قبل ذلك ، وكيف كنا دائماً إلى جانبِهم في الحالاتِ الأكثر ألماً .
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